HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are core technologies for web development; HTML is used to structure content on web pages with markup tags while CSS enhances this content by defining its presentation, layout, and design elements such as colors, fonts, and spacing. Together, they enable the creation and styling of websites, with HTML setting up the page's content and structure, and CSS determining its aesthetic and layout.

Related Projects:

JLJ Organization

Project Contact:

John Jackson

John Jackson Organization

This project was a project I did for a friend and mentor who taught me how to be a great public adjuster. This is his website that is 90% custom design and helped him grow his business more then when he didn't have a website. This project was fun to do because John gave me a creative license to go to town on this. Next part of this project is to update the website with a few more bells and whistles.

Book Nook Corner

Project Contact:

Dannielle Szuba

Building A Website To Flip It For Profit.

The Book Nook Corner is a website that I created so that I can drive traffic to it, build it's profit and following, then auction it off to a blogger who will pay me money for the website to take it over and become the new owner of the site. For this particular blog it was a book review blog that also had a virtual book club attached to it. This was a fun project to do and I was really excited to launch this website and work on it.

Website Landing Page

Project Contact:

Dannielle Szuba

Landing Page Project Built For This Website

The objective of this project was to create an animated landing page for a this website. I wanted a little bit of an unique landing page that would be the first thing you saw when you click on a link to this website or type type it in the search bar. So I came up with this