Appearing Arrow

Skills Used On Project

Project Details

project client
Dannielle Szuba
project type
Project Start Date
March 14, 2024
Project end Date
March 14, 2024

Create An Animation Of An Appearing Arrow

This project was fun to do I used Lottie files to create this project, and am currently using this on this site and the project Book Nook Corner. It funny I initially created this for book nook, but i like it so much I wanted to use it in multiple sites.

Project Phases

Appearing Arrow Phase 1

Design the File

For this phase of the project I had to Design the arrow into 2 part the arrow head and then the shaft.

Appearing Arrow Phase 2

Create the Animation

For this phase of the project I had to set up the animation by having the arrow head fade in while the shaft flew in from the left side. This required figuring out the time of the animation and properly putting in my key frames.

Appearing Arrow Phase 3

Export Project Into User friendly Format

For this phase of the project I had to export the animation into json code so that I could use it on the websites.

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