Website Landing Page

Web Design
Skills Used On Project

Project Details

project client
Dannielle Szuba
project type
Web Design
Project Start Date
December 22, 2023
Project end Date
December 26, 2023

Landing Page Project Built For This Website

The objective of this project was to create an animated landing page for a this website. I wanted a little bit of an unique landing page that would be the first thing you saw when you click on a link to this website or type type it in the search bar. So I came up with this

Project Phases

Landing Page Phase 1

Create Media For The Design

For the first phase of the project I needed to create the media that would be used for the landing page. So I use Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop to create the media and tweak my images. Then I exported them to either SVG or JPEGs into Adobe XD for staging.

Landing Page Phase 2

Import Media

The next part of this project was to insert the media I created into XD so that I can prototype the landing page. I used XD to animate the landing page because after effects wasn't giving me the tools I needed to successfully create the landing page

Landing Page Phase 3

Designing The Landing Page

For this part of the phases, I started arranging images to make the landing page with all the special effects, and ready the animation for prototyping.

Landing Page Phase 4

Prototyping The Animation

For this phase of the project I started prototyping and linking the multiple artboards together and animating them to create the animated landing page...

Landing Page Phase 5

Export Animation

For this phase of the project I had to export the prototype in a viewable format, save that code and embed into the project page.

Project Media

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