Favorite Buttons

Skills Used On Project

Project Details

project client
Dannielle Szuba
project type
Project Start Date
March 25, 2024
Project end Date
March 25, 2024

Create Favorite Hearts For Book Nook Corner

This was another fun little project that I created for BNC. So I wanted members to be able to favorite Blog posts that they liked, so I created this animation for the favorite buttons. This file was created in Lottie files and is currently being used on the blog. to see it live in action please got to the book nook corner website at www.booknookcorner.com

Project Phases

Favorite Buttons Phase 1

Create the Media

For this phase of the project I simply created a heart and colored it gold to match the website brand colors. I also create a second heart that was just a stroke of the shape so that it appeared unfilled. This created the simple design.

Favorite Buttons Phase 2

Animate The Heart Using Presets

For this phase of the project I used a combination of Grow and shrink presets to make the heart appear to do a shrink, grow effect to make the heart look like it was blinking. This choice was a calculated one because it draws your attention to the blogs and the button to favorite it.

Favorite Buttons Phase 3

Export Media To Usable Format

For this last phase of the project I simply had to export my media into the format that the website would identify it as so user can click and favorite or unfavorite blogs.

Project Media

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