Lottie Files

A Lottie file is a JSON-based animation file format that enables designers to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. Renowned for its small file sizes and high-quality visuals, Lottie animations are extensively used in web and mobile applications to enhance user experiences with interactive, vector-based animations. These animations can be easily edited, scaled without loss of quality, and integrated into apps and websites using Lottie's open-source player libraries available for multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, and the web. From simple animated icons to complex sequences, Lottie files are utilized to make interfaces more engaging and to communicate states and actions visually, thereby bridging the gap between designers and developers in creating immersive digital experiences.

Related Projects:

Favorite Buttons

Project Contact:

Dannielle Szuba

Create Favorite Hearts For Book Nook Corner

This was another fun little project that I created for BNC. So I wanted members to be able to favorite Blog posts that they liked, so I created this animation for the favorite buttons. This file was created in Lottie files and is currently being used on the blog. to see it live in action please got to the book nook corner website at www.booknookcorner.com

Appearing Arrow

Project Contact:

Dannielle Szuba

Create An Animation Of An Appearing Arrow

This project was fun to do I used Lottie files to create this project, and am currently using this on this site and the project Book Nook Corner. It funny I initially created this for book nook, but i like it so much I wanted to use it in multiple sites.