Member Viewable Projects

March 25, 2024
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March 25, 2024

Favorite Buttons

Create Favorite Hearts For Book Nook Corner

This was another fun little project that I created for BNC. So I wanted members to be able to favorite Blog posts that they liked, so I created this animation for the favorite buttons. This file was created in Lottie files and is currently being used on the blog. to see it live in action please got to the book nook corner website at

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February 26, 2024
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Tastes Of The World Blog

Taste The World With This Delectable Food Review Blog

I build this blog site for a friend who wanted to start a food blog to review different type of food everything from fast food, to fancy restaurants. This project was fun to do but it's what I like to call a cookie cutter website, the platform that is being used to host this blog is and they excessively limit the design capabilities for Designers. But it was still a fun project and I like how I was able to turn this site around in literally 3 days. My friend was happy with her blog and is eager to get started.

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May 3, 2021
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Project End Date:
June 28, 2021

CEIS-236 Final Project

CEIS-236 Final Project - Global Computer Solutions (GCS) Creation

The objective highlights the indispensable role of databases in supporting the infrastructure of modern daily life, from online transactions and search engines to course catalogs, emphasizing our reliance on them for various aspects of daily living. It underscores the importance of proper design, implementation, and management of databases, especially in the context of the expanding Internet of Things and the growth of online transactions, pointing out that these areas offer numerous employment opportunities. The project discussed aims to guide readers through the processes involved in the design, development, and implementation of a relational database, underlining the critical nature of databases in our increasingly digital world.

Therefore my objective was to "Design a database system using ER diagrams and normalization. Create the database in a Relational Database Management System using SQL and create queries to retrieve data from the database."

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