Tastes Of The World Blog

Skills Used On Project

Project Details

project client
Rebecca Appuliese
project type
Project Start Date
February 26, 2024
Project end Date

Taste The World With This Delectable Food Review Blog

I build this blog site for a friend who wanted to start a food blog to review different type of food everything from fast food, to fancy restaurants. This project was fun to do but it's what I like to call a cookie cutter website, the platform that is being used to host this blog is WordPress.com and they excessively limit the design capabilities for Designers. But it was still a fun project and I like how I was able to turn this site around in literally 3 days. My friend was happy with her blog and is eager to get started.

Project Phases

Tastes Of The World Phase 1

Designed & Created Design Assets

For the first part of this project I had to design and create the assets for the website. I used Illustrator and Photoshop to design the logo's and uses firefly to generate the photos of the food for the content. Then I had to export the files into a format that was recognized by WordPress.

Tastes Of The World Phase 2

Design The Website Mock-Up:

For this part of the project I had to design the website in Figma, where I got the design approved from the client and any notes about the type of platform they wanted to host the website on.

Tastes Of The World Phase 3

Research The Hosting Platform

For this phase of the project I researched the platform that would hosted the website, and after looking through the different platforms the client settled on WordPress.

Tastes Of The World Phase 4

Design the WordPress Site

Using WordPress Site build walkthrough I essentially built out the entire site in about an hour, and then I went into the design and added the content and link to the site while making sure everything worked.

Tastes Of The World Phase 5

Launch the Website

At this stage of the project we launch the website on the free platform that my client wanted, and checked that everything was working and running properly.

Tastes Of The World Phase 6

Hand Off The Website

This is the last phase of the website where I hand off the website to the client, after I teach them how to navigate the blogg and make posts to the site.

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