One of my greatest strengths is the ability to adapt &learn quickly. In Addition, I am also very logical and analytical when making decisions and organizing thoughts. Lastly, I believe in thinking outside the box to solve problems by developing solutions. These abilities put me in a unique situation to help companies develop working solutions for their business needs. I worked willingly as a temporary employee for many years because one of my life goals is to have as many skills and licenses as possible. Because of this decision, I now have a huge library of skills that can benefit any company I work with.


I am looking for a remote position with a flexible schedule in terms of work Because ultimately, my main career goal is to run my own freelance business. This will allow me to  help others with their business needs and teach others to become their own success stories.


However, for now, I am open to the following opportunities, as I build my business.

List of Opportunities

  • Internships
  • Micro-Internships
  • Full-Time Career
  • Part-Time Career
  • Short-Term Contract Jobs
  • Long-Term Contract Jobs
  • Peer Shadowing
  • Informal-Interviews

In my last position, I was specifically hired to transfer an entire outdated Returns system over into another update system so that the company could go global. Unfortunately, I was brought on just after the old data was uploaded into the new system. However, after a few weeks of a checking through the old system and new system data, I realized that the problem was everyone was using a system they didn't know how to use. So bad data kept getting replicated, and good data was getting lost, so I advised them to hire a consultant who could help train employees on the new system. I also suggested that the consultant be able to assist in cleaning up the system from old bad data and setting procedures to prevent those issues from coming up again.

Thankfully the company took my advice, and I started to work closely with the consultant to fix the many issues that were created due to the the data not being cleaned before it was transferred into the new system. But that is part of what a designer does, we don’t just design systems. A good designer, has tools in place to teach other how to use their system or fix issues with an upload that has bad data. But there is so much more a designer can do. A designer can be someone who can plan by creating solutions to make work more efficient and cost-effective.

In Addition, they can be "Out-of-The-Box-Thinkers" who look at all sides of the problem and see what future problems their solutions may create. A designer also can be someone who can persevere when the "Clock-Is-Ticking" and a deadline is approaching. All designers,  however, need to remain calm under pressure, analytical & logical in stressful situations, and we need to do all of this while still being able to manage 2-3other project at the same time. That is why I am what is consider the rarest type of designer, I am a web developer & Design Specialist. I encompass all of these needs as well as serval others, providing affordable business solutions for the small businesses & contractors.