
Good communication skills indicate a proficiency in effectively conveying and receiving information through articulate speaking, active listening, clear writing, and appropriate body language. Skilled communicators can adapt their tone and style to their audience, excel in both verbal and non-verbal communication, facilitate discussions, resolve conflicts persuasively, and interpret others' non-verbal cues. In essence, they engage with others productively, clearly, and with empathy.

Related Projects:

Tastes Of The World Blog

Project Contact:

Rebecca Appuliese

Taste The World With This Delectable Food Review Blog

I build this blog site for a friend who wanted to start a food blog to review different type of food everything from fast food, to fancy restaurants. This project was fun to do but it's what I like to call a cookie cutter website, the platform that is being used to host this blog is and they excessively limit the design capabilities for Designers. But it was still a fun project and I like how I was able to turn this site around in literally 3 days. My friend was happy with her blog and is eager to get started.