JLJ Organization

Web Design
Skills Used On Project

Project Details

project client
John Jackson
project type
Web Design
Project Start Date
August 16, 2016
Project end Date
August 25, 2016

John Jackson Organization

This project was a project I did for a friend and mentor who taught me how to be a great public adjuster. This is his website that is 90% custom design and helped him grow his business more then when he didn't have a website. This project was fun to do because John gave me a creative license to go to town on this. Next part of this project is to update the website with a few more bells and whistles.

Project Phases

JLJ Website Phase 1

Create Custom Content & Get Images

For the first phase of the project I had to create the custom content for the website. and license some images. I also had to work get the Material that would make up the website

JLJ Website Phase 2

Price The Best Hosting Site & Get A Domain

For this phase of the project I had to price the best platform that would work for my client. I also help them purchase a domain name for this website and set-up their business account

JLJ Website Phase 3

Create the Website For The Client

For this phase of the project, I created the following website for the client. It had bee active since 2016, and was built to the client customization.

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