Logo Design

Logo Design

(Note: Prices subject to change Based on Evaluation)

Need A Logo, Check Out Some Of My Designs:

We design logos for your business or revamp your current logo if your looking for a fresh New Look. Logo design is the creative process of developing a unique visual identity that represents a company, brand, or product. This involves conceptualizing and meticulously crafting a symbol or wordmark that communicates the essence, values, and distinctiveness of the brand to its target audience. A good logo design requires a deep understanding of the brand, creativity, and skillful application of design principles.

The time it takes to create a compelling logo can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the design, the designer's experience, and the client's requirements. On average, a professional logo design project can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. This timeline encompasses initial research, conceptualization, revisions, and finalization of the design, ensuring that the logo not only captures the brand's identity but is also versatile and timeless.

Project Where This Service Was Used

Tastes Of The World Blog

Rebecca Appuliese

Taste The World With This Delectable Food Review Blog

I build this blog site for a friend who wanted to start a food blog to review different type of food everything from fast food, to fancy restaurants. This project was fun to do but it's what I like to call a cookie cutter website, the platform that is being used to host this blog is WordPress.com and they excessively limit the design capabilities for Designers. But it was still a fun project and I like how I was able to turn this site around in literally 3 days. My friend was happy with her blog and is eager to get started.

JLJ Organization

John Jackson

John Jackson Organization

This project was a project I did for a friend and mentor who taught me how to be a great public adjuster. This is his website that is 90% custom design and helped him grow his business more then when he didn't have a website. This project was fun to do because John gave me a creative license to go to town on this. Next part of this project is to update the website with a few more bells and whistles.

Book Nook Corner

Dannielle Szuba

Building A Website To Flip It For Profit.

The Book Nook Corner is a website that I created so that I can drive traffic to it, build it's profit and following, then auction it off to a blogger who will pay me money for the website to take it over and become the new owner of the site. For this particular blog it was a book review blog that also had a virtual book club attached to it. This was a fun project to do and I was really excited to launch this website and work on it.

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