Presentation Meeting

Presentation Meeting

(Note: Prices subject to change Based on Evaluation)

Fully Custom Presentation About What I Can Do For You:

Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated. - Paul Rand

A presentation meeting is a formal event where I share information with you through tools like slideshows and visual aids, aim to inform, persuade, or update on various topics. They are versatile, used in business to pitch ideas or share results, in education to deliver lectures or showcase projects, and by non-profits to increase awareness or report to donors. These meetings promote engagement, dialogue, and feedback, allowing for a dynamic exchange of information and enabling presenters to assess audience response in real-time. Their interactive nature is crucial for meeting objectives across different sectors, demonstrating their effectiveness in communication and their role in achieving strategic goals.

Project Where This Service Was Used

CEIS-236 Final Project

Dr. Dan Parrell

CEIS-236 Final Project - Global Computer Solutions (GCS) Creation

The objective highlights the indispensable role of databases in supporting the infrastructure of modern daily life, from online transactions and search engines to course catalogs, emphasizing our reliance on them for various aspects of daily living. It underscores the importance of proper design, implementation, and management of databases, especially in the context of the expanding Internet of Things and the growth of online transactions, pointing out that these areas offer numerous employment opportunities. The project discussed aims to guide readers through the processes involved in the design, development, and implementation of a relational database, underlining the critical nature of databases in our increasingly digital world.

Therefore my objective was to "Design a database system using ER diagrams and normalization. Create the database in a Relational Database Management System using SQL and create queries to retrieve data from the database."

JLJ Organization

John Jackson

John Jackson Organization

This project was a project I did for a friend and mentor who taught me how to be a great public adjuster. This is his website that is 90% custom design and helped him grow his business more then when he didn't have a website. This project was fun to do because John gave me a creative license to go to town on this. Next part of this project is to update the website with a few more bells and whistles.

PSYC 110 Course Project

Kim Lamana-Finn

Building Awareness For Disorders

This video, masterfully crafted using Adobe Premiere Pro, serves as a poignant awareness piece about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), aiming to elucidate the complexities and nuances of living with DID. Seamlessly blending popular songs that resonate with themes of identity, struggle, and hope, the video captivates the viewer both emotionally and intellectually. Central to its narrative is the innovative research by Joseph Goldberg, which explores a promising treatment approach for DID, offering a glimpse of hope and underscoring the importance of continued research and support for those affected. Through this creative use of music, storytelling, and scientific insight, the video not only educates but also fosters a deeper understanding and empathy for individuals navigating the realities of DID.

Book Your Free Evaluation Meeting Here.